It's PROFILER that say as it is

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Name has strong influence to our tendency. There is no need to analysis through date or time reference or even through finding our favorites or eating habit. But it's only through our complete name. Easily to be tracked. More stable.

Why does name has strong influence? Because everything has vibration. Ourselves are vibration. Then vibration affect vibration. The more we hear our name repeatedly, the more we receive strong influence.

The power of influence from the name were used on company branding. Sometimes artists changed their name for their different image of personality. But they didn't know where the place of the power of attraction is. Suppose they knew, they won't change their name just because of the sense of beauty of the chosen name, rather picked the name because of its characteristics (not just "sounds like" but it's "as it should be"). So they could choose the name that has the same type of their hope (whether, active, cool, touchy - not just sounds like touchy).

So, understanding typical of the chosen name, that would make you can have both, "sounds like" and it's "as it is".

Research for The Use of The Power of Name

Branding Company =

Exploring the way we use the name are accepted world wide

Including the fact that name could affect us to be directed to the specific profession = Take the case of the proper name, a particular type of word. Like maluma and takete, the names people choose for their children convey a wealth of sometimes unintended information. In one study, the economists Bentley Coffey and Patrick McLaughlin examined whether female lawyers in South Carolina were more likely to become judges if their names were more “masculine.” Some names—like James, John, and Michael—are almost exclusively male; others—

Here is the explanation:
  1. Speaking has vibration
  2. Therefore, speaking has (high or low) frequency
Alphabetical or thing is something and it has vibration. And when it was spoken, it gave vibration with different frequency.

  • When we heard something, we already received its vibration with different frequency. High frequency could lead us more active or nervous, while low frequency could make us slower or calm.
  • Hearing it repeatedly, for the rest of our life, and it will give strong influence to ourselves, as vibration affect vibration (the vibration of name affect ourselves as vibration either)
  • If this is happening all the time or mostly, it will overwrite our natural tendency tremendously.

An ilustration.

“A stubborn man, intolerance, workaholic from a busy town, and one day he was visiting a village with a warm peole with higher tolerance, pationate bigger than him. He was in a village for enough time to give a changing tendenyc to him. And once he was back to his town, we could a slightest or even smaller changing of him, even for a little bit of changing. His feeling could change even for a slightest. We might call, a refreshment. Sure, probably it's not strong enough to change his temperament but eventually he will be changed just a little bit or more."

If you ask: How big for the name could influence ourselves compared TO THE REAL EVENTS such as tragedy, sadness or happiness?
  • It will affect us strongly or even stronger than our experience on daily basis
  • Why? Because hearing it repeatedly many times will attract the same power to influence ourselves, just the same on our real experience
  • There is no difference whether we are being influence by real experience or just because of imagining things, hearing something. The result is just the same, changing our feeling, changing our sadness, changing our happiness become more or less.
Spoken name had vibration. It has specific pattern that COULD BE RECOGNIZED BY OURSELVES AUTOMATICALLY (NATURALLY) as having sense of beauty, sense of smoothness and so forth.

  • For example, we could sense of romantic on French Language, even though we couldn't understand it.
  • A specific language from specific country could give us different taste of feeling. Whether it's soft, strong, romantic and so forth. Why could this be happened? It's because within ourselves there is already a natural pattern of what smoothness is, of what hard or romantic is. And when our sensory perception received such things, it would be converted automatically to sense its pattern to be responded relevantly based on comparison on our internal database.
  • We don't understand a specific language but we could sense the beauty of it, the uniqueness of it.
That's human, they can sense things, and because of this, human could be affected. We are responding things relevantly based on our comparison (subconsciously) to our natural pattern that are owned within ourselves.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research asserts that names affect attitudes.



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